Futurephonic _Radical Devices For Live

By | March 27, 2021

Futurephonic _Radical Devices For Live

Four fresh plugins that punch to the maximum, in a micro setting.

Sometimes it feels like plugins are made by programmers who don’t actually put long hours in to their own music. That’s the first thing that’s special about the Radical Devices – programmer and touring artist Raffael Willi AKA Jumpstreet made these tools to bring precious speed and efficiency his own studio sessions – plus some special wobble to his ultra-Psychedelic sound.

All four devices are in Max for Live format, so forget slow load times or big interfaces. Quick, punchy, efficient and production-focused.

The Devices:

Irregularity – instant MIDI randomness.

You’re working that synth part but could use some MIDI randomness and unpredictability. You could spend an hour programming some variation in, or just drop Irregularity in and let it do all the work. Randomise pitch/sample selection, velocity and note length with three easy knobs. Done.

Pitchmangler – stereo pitching from cool to crazy… and the LUCK button.

You’ve got a great voice sample but it sounds a little too normal. Welcome to the Pitchmangler, bringing ultra pitching power in a quick-drop M4L format. Modulate pitch or frequency in either Split L/R or in Linked mode, with an LFO and a step sequencer, with the LUCK button throwing some unpredictability into the mix. Jump on the Dry/Wet dial to adjust the crazy.

Rhythmizer – draw one note. Roll the dice.

Want to see what the machines are thinking? Get your favourite synth and draw one long note, and let Rhythmizer do the rest. Play with the probability of 8th, 16th and 32nd notes, then hit the Modulation settings for some quick randomness. Hit record then let it do its thing – then slice up the goods to your taste.

Disfigurer – controlled contortion for your creativity.

Every family has a weird kid, and this guy’s definitely the odd one of the bunch. Throw this rascal on to your audio channel and a series of modulating flangers, delays, combs and wobbles awaits. Feeling lucky? Hit that CHANCE button, or get down to custom control with the flexible mod options. A final stage of smooth, warm crush distortion and limiting keeps the chaos contained in the mix.



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