SoundMorph Portals

By | April 7, 2017

SoundMorph Portals

SoundMorph Portals
Size 640 Mb 

New! Designed Doors!

Enter “Portals”, SoundMorph’s latest Sound Library containing both designed and source recorded doors. With a focus on Sci-Fi, Medieval, Metal, and contraption type doors, Portals is an excellent resource to add to your tool box.


Portals features more than 225+ files (plus buy now and get a bonus 190+ best of doors sounds from our Solar Sky library for a total 425 files of 1.2GB of 24bit/96khz .WAV files, all meticulously embedded with Soundminer & Basehead metadata, including:

– Designed Doors
– Source Doors
– Medieval Doors
– Sci-Fi Doors
– Stone Doors
– Teleport Doors
+ 190 “best of” doors sounds from our Solar Sky library

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4

Demo Preview:=”1″]
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