Sample Tweakers Diablo House

By | July 20, 2016


Sample Tweakers Diablo House
Size 444 Mb 

Samples Tweakers team been inspired so much by tracks of one of most discussible artists of 2016 – Don Diablo and decided to create this epic collection of Don Diablo inspired samples!

Here you will find 6 full track Construction Kits, 70 One Shots, 20 Sound FX and 20 Extra Drum Loops.

All these samples sound very close to tracks of our hero – Don Diablo!

This great unique genre deserves it’s own name – Diablo House!

*Other Genres that this package may be useful in:

• House
• Presets / Patches
• Progressive House

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Demo Preview:=”1″]
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