Addictive EDM Addictive Serum For Xfer Serum

By | August 23, 2017

Addictive EDM Addictive Serum For Xfer Serum

Addictive EDM Addictive Serum For Xfer Serum
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The keys of a good and outstanding song are melodies vocals and sound design! In electronic dance music, it’s more just the sound design and melodies. An awesome drop lead with a catchy melody can easily become a hit, but what do I do when I’m a beginner and want to get started?

Well, then you should come to us! Get your pre-designed sound presets and focus on your arrangement and your mixing skills. You can take a look at famous sounds and how they are made to get a better understanding of sound design. Edit the sounds by yourself and create your own style of sound, it’s a good way to start from a preset that almost sounds like you want it to have. Get inspired by a big collection of 200 outstanding leads, basses,
pads and plucks.

Why Addictive Serum?

Xfer’s Serum is a very powerful wavetable synthesizer. You can make hard leads, insane basses, great pads & strong plucks and much more. Exactly for that, we made Addictive Serum! In a compilation of 200 sounds, you will get everything you need to make electronic dance music. Perfect for Electro, Trap. Dubstep & Future Bass. The sounds are inspired by many famous artists, are sorted by type and have a nice and clean sound.

Demo Preview:=”1″] [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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