Pro Studio Live Mixing EDM TUTORIAL

By | May 29, 2019

Pro Studio Live Mixing EDM TUTORIAL

Pro Studio Live Mixing EDM TUTORIAL
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Learn and watch as recording and mixing engineer Ian Sutton deconstructs an EDM Mix and demonstrates his mixing workflow.

2:40 HOURS
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EDM is an explosive genre of music that’s capturing youthful audiences around the world. In this episode of Pro Studio Live, engineer Ian Sutton walks us through the process he employs when working with an EDM style track. Watch as he demonstrates the tools that he likes to use, as well as some techniques he has refined for his particular workflow to bring together all the elements of a dance track. In this mixing session you’ll learn about drum processing and synthesizer effects, how to organize the tracks in your session, vocal effects and how they play into your final mix, as well as getting to hear some real-life stories and experiences that Ian has had during his career.

Ian Sutton is a San Diego based Audio Engineer. A graduate of The Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences, Ian has been helping bands and artists make music in San Diego since 2005. His philosophy is simple, “Stay true to the artist’s vision and intent… and have fun, we’re all here because we love making music!” His love of music started before he could walk, listening to his father play blues licks on his guitar in their living room. In elementary school he was introduced to the drums and instantly became hooked. He played the drums for many years and through his love of rhythym, developed a passion for electronic music. He began DJing in his early 20’s and became ever more concious of the connection between music and technology. He moved to Phoenix in 2003 to attend the recording program at CRAS. His move to the technical side of music making seemed to be a natural one for him. After graduating from CRAS, he landed an internship at Signature Sound Studios in San Diego. A sharp, problem solving mind combined with a creative bug helped him to excell in the studio environment. Since then he’s worked on hundreds of projects and become the go-to engineer for many of San Diego’s local talents. His musical tastes are as diverse as his clientele, allowing him to serve the needs of clients from various genres. His professional yet creative demeanor, attention to detail and honed studio skills have landed him numerous sessions at some of Southern California’s top studios, including Studio West, Signature Sound, and Track Star Studios. In addition, he is a Certified Pro in Apple’s Logic and Avid Pro Tools. As a member of the Audio Engineering Society and an instructor at Fundamentals DJ Academy in Pacific Beach and The Recording Arts Center in Rancho Bernardo Ian in is involved music technology in many levels.

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