Softcore Presents BASECAMP “Common Decent” WAV

By | September 21, 2020

Softcore Presents BASECAMP "Common Decent" WAV

Softcore Presents BASECAMP “Common Decent” WAV

What’s most interesting about Basecamp’s music is not what you hear, but what you don’t hear. In a genre inundated with cramming every sound, every sample, every effect you possibly can into every track, Basecamp’s understanding of silence and their use of negative space gives their productions a quality unmatched by other producers. Basecamp’s sound design, topped by serene vocal performances, is unparalleled, and we’re thrilled to have the trio bring a sample pack to Splice. Crisp, punchy drum loops and one-shots meet warm, warbled guitars, vocals and synths. Take a cue from the OSWLA-signed Nashville trio and explore this latest offering.

Exclusive sample packs and producer collections available through the Splice Sounds platform. Not just a tool for discovering third-party samples anymore, Splice is proud to offer some of the world’s most unique audio libraries to Sounds subscribers. Each month, we will be working closely with new artists to provide fresh content just for you.



Demo Preview:

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